Worley Noise Examples

These examples of Worley Noise were made in C#. They are based on the examples shown in
The Coding Train live stream of 04/04/2020.

Basic Algorithm according to Wikipedia:

The basic idea is to take random points in space (2- or 3-dimensional) and then for every point in space
take the distance to the nth-closest point (e.g. the second-closest point) as some kind of color information.

When using the closest point. When using the second closest point. With different points for R, G, B information

Cell division Simulation:

During the life stream one of the viewers asked in the chat for making
a cell division example.This gave me the idea to try this:

The Worley Noise seed points are now agents with simple physics engines
(position, velocity, acceleration and force). This was for example shown in
Coding Challenge #59: Steering Behaviors.

The seed points have 2 steering forces:
- Try to stay at a fixed distance to the closest 3 other seed points.
- A weak force pulling them to the middle of the image to prevent them
wandering too far off.

It is always fascinating to see the complex self-organising behaviour
that can result from such simple rules.